There is a great deal i could say on the outrageous crisis currently going on in the Gaza Strip. However, I'll just say this. Israel says that the reason they are attacking Gaza is because Gaza has been firing rockets at Israel. It's the "you made me do it to you" bit. With the statistics known, however, Israel's excuse for such slaughter is unjustified. While i don't condone Gaza firing homemade rockets at Israel, it should be noted that in the past eight years that Gaza has been firing those rockets, 28 Israelis have been killed by them. That is unfortunate of course, but the problem is that Israel uses that as an excuse to invade Gaza, which has so far led to over 500 deaths. Today it was reported that Israelis hit a school, which killed over 30 people, many of them children. So Israel has killed more people in one day than those Gaza rockets have killed in 8 years. I believe Israel's actions are immoral, and i am disappointed in the Bush administration for condoning Israels actions.
Here's an article with some more stats: http://www.counterpunch.org/cook01052009.html
would you not consider the hamas a terrorest group? if so, should we not suport action aginst terrorest groups? I will not acsept that it is all the medias fault for making the seem like terrorest. I do not condone killing but things that happen over seas do effect us over here if not now, later.
Hamas is just as much a terrorist group as the Israeli Massad. It's all in the definition. When certain powers in the international community decide to label violent groups (who have ideals that are contrary to those of the certain powers), and at the same time fail to label other violent groups (who do have similar ideals), then the label "terrorist" loses its meaning.
It's also important to keep in mind that Hamas is the elected party of Gaza, chosen by the Palestinians. Obviously, the people of Gaza don't see Hamas as a terrorist group, whereas they probably would see the Israeli Massad as being so.
When such a label doesn't have a clear definition, it loses any real meaning and ends up being used as a "Scare word."
In my opinion, the killing of over 600 people is more of a terror than the killing of less than 30. So if you want to support action against a terrorist group, why not support action against Israel's slaughter?
How about we not take sides, and choose rather to condemn anyone who thinks it's justified to kill?
how did you get to be so smart? i am impressed by your understanding of political matters.
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