Saturday, February 21, 2009

I'm Back-- and The Top 10 Doctor Who Epsiodes


Here i am blogging again. It's been a while for two reasons. First, because I've been quite preoccupied with school. And second, because i don't think many people really even read my blog anyway. However, i should blog, therefore i will.
I am still waiting to find out if I've been accepted to San Diego State University. They received over 55,000 applicants for this fall, and they only have around 7,500 enrollment slots. So if my calculations are correct, which they probably aren't, i have a 13.5% chance of being accepted. (my chances may actually be higher due to the fact that they give some priority to transfer students. Still, they give even more priority to people actually in the San Diego area). I should find out within the next couple weeks. If i don't get accepted, I'm afraid I'll end up having to go to Sac State (*sigh*). Well, whatever happens , happens, especially because everything that is happening has happened, though not in an unnatural way.
My next thought would be to rank my favorite Doctor Who episodes into a top 10 list. Just for the heck of it! And i want, no, i demand that you, the person reading this, should also leave a reply (or blog on your blog) in a similar, but not exact, fashion also detailing in a top ten list your favorite Doctor Who episodes. Once this is done, i will be satisfied (as much as one CAN be satisfied based solely on the existence of top ten lists).

Now read it.

10. Christmas special #3 "Voyage of the Damned"
This episode had a nice little stand-alone storyline that i thought worked well in itself. It mixed doctor who shenanigans with the 70's style Poseidon adventure type disaster movie--using fairly good visual effects. But this episode wouldn't even be on my top ten list if Kyle Minogue wasn't in it. Yes...she was great.... I really wish she would have went on to be the doctor's companion--provided that she always wore that maid's uniform.
2x08/2x09 "The Impossible Planet (1), The Satan Pit (2)"
I'm going to count this two parter as one episode because it's the same story arc. I also liked this one because it stood alone as it's own story. (it could have been a movie in itself) It was scary, thrilling, and it had the very important story factor of isolation (people trapped in an isolated area who must deal with a threat, ie: Jurassic park). I still don't fully understand the ending, but hey, neither did the doctor
8. 2x01 "New Earth"
I like this episode because its really funny, it shows the doctor and rose at their best together, and because it was really well done. The visual effects were tops, and so was the cat makeup--probably the best makeup done in the whole series. The face of Boe is also in the ep--need i say more? And of course, the whole switching bodies thing with the lady Cassandra was great fun, and the end was so nice. Me likey!
7. 3x03 "Gridlock"
The plot for this one was really fantastic. It seems like a far stretch that people would put up with sitting in traffic like that for so long, but knowing human nature like i do, and knowing how gullible people are from one generation to the next, i don't think it's really that far fetched. Anyways, you gotta love the scene where the doctor is hopping from one cab to the next.
6. 1x02 "The End of the World"
I really liked this one because it showed a lot of quality--the acting, the script, and the visual effects were top notch. It was after seeing this episode that i knew this show was worth the time.
5. 1x13 "The Parting of the Ways"
This episode is high on my list mainly because it was such a good finale! In my opinion it's the best finale of the whole series. This could be because its the first time you realize that all the episodes before it had been building up towards something larger. And that something larger pays off with some really powerful scenes between rose and the doctor, which are nothing but cathartic. I still get shivers every time i hear any mention of "Badwolf."
4. 1x10/1x09 "The Empty Child (1), The Doctor Dances (2)"
Two big reasons why i love this episode arc are 1. it's set during WWII times, and i love that era, and 2. it's got captain jack in it! Yeah, he's the bomb. Fantastic story, and i love the ending, when "everyone lives!"
3. 1x08 "Father's Day"
This episode mixed exciting adventure with heart wrenching drama. After i saw this episode, i knew that this series was different than any other tv series out there. Fantastic!
2. 2x04 "The Girl in the Fireplace"
I could seriously watch this episode over and over again. I love the soundtrack that was written for it, and i love how they mix time travel so seamlessly. 1. I'm a sucker for stories where time travel is part of the problem. 2. I'm a sucker for historical stories. Since i love history, I love it when the doctor visits the past. And nice to see France and Versailles before the whole revolution thingy.
1. 3x10 "Blink"
I know it's a bit weird to have my number one episode one where the doctor hardly appears in it, but this episode is so great, it almost transcends the doctor himself. The writing is top notch (thanks to Steven Mofatt, who also wrote the Girl in the Fireplace). The acting is great (they should bring those characters back! or at least have a spin off series... Sally Sparrow, private detective!) And boy, you just gotta love them angels. Seriously, they should turn this story into a full length movie. "The angels have the phonebox!!!!!"

Well, that's it. Now go make your own Doctor Who top ten list. (if you haven't seen every episode already, then you should be doing that right now)



Becky said...

Glad you're back Mark! I will be praying for you to get in to San Diego! Love ya, Becky : )

jase said...

I kinda wish I watched TV just so I could relate.

I read your blog everytime you update, Mark. Its nice to hear what you have to say.

Rod n Kathy said...

You should be an official critic, Mark! Your comments are pithy, insightful and entertaining. How could I ever argue with the lineup you have described? (especially since I have a hard time remembering about half of the episodes; guess I will have to re-view some of them) On this I do agree: You have found us a truly worthwhile show to watch on the idiot box.

Ruth said...

I enjoy reading what you have to say! Thanks for blogging and keeping us out here in No Man's Land updated on what is going on in your life! I know that you will be accepted if it's best for you! If not, then we know we'll always have you around for a good discussion. Good luck! We'll be praying for you!